The Twinflame Loop

3 min readNov 22, 2022

Now, I don’t even need to start with what a twinflame is or what a loop is. You all have your separate definitions of all these terms. Don’t you?

That is the exact problem right there! You have a definition of it. I want you to sit with yourself one day and ask, “Is this definition borrowed from the outside world because someone was talking about it, or is it my own?” And I guarantee you that if you ponder ‘your’ definition of it and make a tiny effort to write it on paper, you’ll realize that it’s not ‘yours’ but something you’ve read/heard somewhere. You’re just repeating it.

More than half of who we are is a loop of repetition of the outside world, but I won’t go off-topic. I can’t even start on how difficult it is for me to stay focused on one topic because there is so much flowing at once, haha! :p

So, most of you carry the standard definition: “Twinflame means two humans are sharing one soul.” Right? My question is,

“If you and the person you call your twinflame share the same soul, then isn’t it compulsory and obvious that they would hold the same heart as you? And if they’re carrying the same heart as you, then they must carry the same emotions & feelings, as well. They must feel the same craving for you that you feel for them?”

Now, so many of you will go like, “But they do!”

Ok. Where is it? What solid do you have to show to validate that? In 97% of cases, they’re either running from you or staying but giving 100 red flags or mixed signals. Isn’t that true? Well, it is. It doesn’t matter whether you accept the truth or not.

And if you’re someone who even slightly feels that they’re not doing justice to the ‘rarity,’ you feel for the connection, then you’re so close to breaking this fancy bubble/pattern you created. Because if they’re not on the same page as you (when it comes to what you particularly feel), then here breaks the whole concept of twinflame. You’re welcome.

You have to accept that you’re in a loop, a pattern that says, “they’re my twinflame,” but your very definition of a twinflame has many loopholes. Now what?

And I’m not even touching on the topic of whether a twinflame exists or not. I’m only talking about the current one you’ve been stuck on for a long time. So many of you have put a hold on your lives for some reason. You’re not moving forward. It’s not that life has stopped. It’s you.

Because it’s hard to accept the truth, but what else will possibly liberate you? You say you know what you deserve remaining right under the shadow of what you don’t.

Here’s a link to my Free Shadow Work Practical Guide PDF where you can learn how to detect limiting beliefs/fears and release them.

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I fix scrabble inside me. Instagram @macverse, @itweettoo