2 min readApr 19, 2020


In nothingness.

When the world seems unfair and nothing makes sense, when the ray of hope has faded and faith is a distant memory, when the reliable sources have died and no friend is in sight, when the purpose has been lost and nowhere left to go, when all the gurus’ sayings cannot uplift you anymore and the pages of all the books seem to lose the letters inside them, when all the outside material loose the game, one should know it’s time to step inside.

It’s time to open the door. Oh wait, it’s already open. Step in. Step in the pure positive light that awaits your arrival. It’s time to experience the other world that you heard about from many spiritual leaders. This is the time you let the love of your inner being unfurl and let you drench in its purity and miraculousness. Let it introduce you to the true definition of ‘calm’.

When it’s all said and done, you shall remember it’s still not really done. You are still to know who you really are. You are still to experience the bliss. You are still to taste ecstasy. You are still to feel the love, pure love that universe is pouring on you every single second. It’s being showered even right now. And now. And now. Are you open to receiving?

Are you aware of it? Are you letting it in? Are you willing to shut the mind chatter and feel the love that you yourself are? Are you interested in an experience of extreme joy and amazement? Are you wanting to know who you are and what’s your origin?

Go inside. All that you want is there. Waiting for you, my love. 💜




I fix scrabble inside me. Instagram @macverse, @itweettoo