3 min readApr 20, 2020


Found it in me.

“I had a weird dream.”

“Not a news. Proceed”, the angel said calmly.

“This time, it was really different. I mean, not like the usual bizarre ones.”

The angel took keen interest and gestured me to carry on.

“I was with these two another angels who felt like my parents or maybe teachers. I don’t know, they were like two very soothing and warm elderly figures.

They were smiling at me and giving me a sort of assurance of something.”

“And?”, the angel smiled.

“And, I might have traveled to some other dimensions of the universe, too. That was a hell of a trip.”

The angel listened carefully and continued a soft smile.

“But then I woke up. I didn’t wanna wake up. I wish I just kept talking to both of them. I wish I had more access to them.”

“Do you not know that you already have it?”, the angel asked in a way parents asked their kid a very silly question in an important manner.

“Oh yeah?”, I looked up to him confused.

“You have it. It’s totally granted, my little angel.”

“Just like that?”, I grinned in excitement.

“Everything in this universe is created ‘just like that’. If you’re aware, your whole life will turn into a kid sitting under a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.”

“I remember all your teachings. Sometimes I forget how blessed I am.”

The angel said nothing but kept smiling.

“But there’s something I didn’t understand.”

“And what is that, dear?”, the angel asked patiently.

“In my dream, I was talking on the subject of truth but the hall was empty. Who was I even talking to in the dark room?”

“Do you know I read a lot?”, said the angel.

Do you? But why? You’re an angel. You have every bit of existing and beyond knowledge inside you”, I didn’t know what was going on.

“There was a time when I read a quote, a beautiful quote.”

“What did it say?”

“It said, dear, that ‘how to know you are GOD is that when you are praying you notice you are talking to yourself.’”

It took me no time to understand what he was trying to convey. I wasn’t talking to anybody but myself in the hall. I found the subject of truth and discussed it with myself. Woah!

This time, the angel smiled brightly, almost grinned.

“Why so happy, man?”

“It’s lovely to see you growing and coming to realisation of your own power. There’s nothing more beautiful to see in this world than you knowing who you really are, sweetheart.”

The words were not just words. They were dripping real, pure love and I couldn’t get out of the amazement of the fact that it was all for me! I sat there numb trying to evaluate when did I become so blessed, so loved?

“Since eternity.”, the angel said.

Of course! Of course, angels can read your mind. Even after knowing this forever, I still shake when he answers questions risen in the personal space of my mind. Ugh. Can’t help it.

The angel laughed.

What we search outside is actually sitting peacefully inside us patiently waiting for us to turn into the right direction. God is inside. We are all just one tap away from experiencing showers of Love of the almighty for his love is the realest of all. Turn inward.




I fix scrabble inside me. Instagram @macverse, @itweettoo