3 Formulas To Up Your Manifestations Fast!

5 min readJan 6, 2021

Every time we talk about Law of Attraction, we talk about vision boards, writing scripts & acting as if, mostly, which are some of the most common & popular practices in order to bring forth a deliberate manifestation (bringing an event/object into reality by deliberately putting to use the Laws of the universe. We’re all anyway manifesting by default, all the time as the Law of Attraction is always working).

We know sometimes it takes weeks & months & years. But I say, you can manifest within days or maybe hours if you understand what actually “stops” your desired manifestations & that is Resistance. Resistance is any form of negative belief, negative thought, doubt, fear, etc. We all have some or the other pattern within us that causes resistance and in the presence of resistance, a full-blown physical manifestation cannot take place in your experience.

Your one and only work is to keep yourself resistance free. The more resistance-free you are, the more aligned you will be with your true self and when you’re aligned vibrationaly, you’re going to physically manifest everything out of Your Vortex (vibrational reality) one by one, where everything you’ve ever desired since you were born has already been summoned & manifested.

Here are 3 most powerful ways to release resistance & have your desires flow fast in your physical experience:

  1. Your Desire Already Exists:

Your desire exists right now even if you cannot see it with your physical eyes yet. It is right there in your vortex, your vibrational reality where it’s already manifested the second you launched the rocket of its wanting. When you begin to feel its presence, when you begin to deliberately slip yourself into the feeling place of this desire in the NOW moment & when you continue it all day long, the universe will start to put evidence of the fact that it is soon going to be tangible, on your pathway.

I’d suggest, take out 15 minutes every day, close your eyes and feel the presence of your desire. Feel it’s there with you in the very moment. Feel how delicious it is to have it. Go out with it. If it’s money, spend it. If it’s a lover, imagine you’re on a date with them. If it’s some sort of recovery, FEEL how it it feels as NOW you’re fully recovered. And keep milking that feeling within you & soon you will create a vibrational environment where it’s ready to pop in & show up! And soon, that feeling will become so natural that the next logical step is a physical manifestation.

When you’ll deliberately feel it, you’re saying good-bye to the ‘lack’ aspect of your desire as well as all the resistance attached with it. Just know, it is right there in your vortex, RIGHT NOW! And it is yours.

2. Meditate:

Meditation helps one release resistance really fast. You know how it is when something isn’t working and we turn the switch off for sometime and then we turn it on and it starts to work again? Same way, when you quiet your mind 15 minutes for a day and in that time, you just observe the movement of your breath, you turn off the switch. You let all the good and bad thoughts go & allow the energy flow in its natural form & your vibration to rise effortlessly.

Meditation will help you come in alignment & it will also relieve you from all the crowded thoughts that are up in your head almost all the time. Of course, one cannot quiet mind on the first day of meditation but practicing helps. If you’re determined enough to release all sorts of resistance (negative beliefs that don’t serve you anymore) from your system, you are in for loads of miracles. You’ll find that just within a few days, life got way too easier & better. Patience & a undivided focus on where you want to reach are keys, here. Always remember where you want to reach. And without even realizing, you’ll see your manifestations will start to flow like crazy as they flow naturally when there is no resistance.

3. You are the creator:

When you ‘know’ that everything that shows up in your physical experience is created by only and only you & no one else is responsible for it, you’ll also know that you can shift your reality by shifting your focus & your vibration. If someone in your experience is behaving a certain way, KNOW you’re creating it by sticking to the same belief & vibrating the same thought out in the universe. If you do not have the desired money in your bank account, it’s because you’re creating the lack by keeping your focus on the lack aspect of your money. Everything has full potential to shift for you unless you do not own your experiences.

Everything is vibration. Look at the emotional guidance scale and see where you stand right now. Where ever you stand is your point of attraction. If you stand at fear, you will attract more of fear-based manifestations. If you are vibrating joy, you will attract more joyful experiences. It is all your creation. It’s a matter of time you own where you want to stand when it comes to emotional guidance scale. You choose how you want to feel & deliberately think/feel/do things that bring you to your desired vibrational point. And prolonged stay at any vibrational point will have you experience the similar kind of physical manifestations. It’s that simple.

Own your creation. Own your life. It’s all you who is doing things and creating things & manifesting things. No one else is doing anything to you. No one is wanting to hurt you or betray you. They are only responding to where you stand vibrationally. And where you stand is a choice. You can always choose something else. You are Free.

To book a personal law of attraction session with me, you can message me on Facebook/Instagram. The links are given below.





I fix scrabble inside me. Instagram @macverse, @itweettoo